I suspect anyone who has picked up the cards with a desire to read and to deliver meaningful readings to others, has arrived at that moment when they recognize, this isn't a small thing that they've undertaken. They've grabbed their deck and have headed out onto a long and sometimes arduous road. Having said that though, the return on the investment makes it all worth it!
Welcome to my blog where I hope to share not just what my journey with the cards is and has been but also to share what I've discovered and learned about the cards along the way.
I'm excited to step into this next phase and look forward to sharing this experience with you!
So, an update on what has been going on lately, and honestly, it's been quite a lot!
Over this past weekend, July 9th - July 11th, WitchsFestUSA2021 went down online and in person in New York City. I have to stay, aside from gremlins being in the online platform machine, the return to being in community with people again was refreshing! After the year we've just come through, being able to be present in person on Saturday, was an absolute gift! There was music, dance, laughter, classes, merch, and tons of fun! It was a release and absolute joy being together and sharing space. Like many of you, I haven't done anything like that since 2019!
And yes, there were several readers present, along with deck creators and deck vendors! It seems the numbers of readers, deck creators and people interested in Tarot has exploded. In general, I am all for having more of us out there! I welcome new voices, new interpretations, new reading styles and primarily, new generations of readers coming on-line. These new readers are designing their own decks, sharing their view of each card and the energy of each card. This expands the entire world of Tarot and Cartomancy and for that, I am truly excited!
There will be lots more on what I'm seeing in the next generation of readers coming up. For now, I want to just acknowledge that the room is there, and I want to invite the Tarot Curious to step on into the pool! It is open and the waters are just fine! And please don't take my current interest in next-gen tarot readers to mean they are the only group I'm inviting into these waters. No, no! These waters are deep and the coastline can be way off in the distance. We need all kinds of readers in these waters! We need all cultures and all ages. Working with the cards tells the story of each one of us and therefore, we need lots of us to interpret the cards and tell the story.
Again, welcome! Come along for the journey and join me in the conversation.